Back to the Surface

Photography by Yanninia Marie who struggles with what she refers to as The Darkness. Darkness wears a mask of many faces and for her, those masks are depression, anxiety, PTSD, and a non-epileptic seizure disorder known as PNES. Through her work, she seeks to help others like herself find ways of making it through to tomorrow. Many of her pieces explore the darkness, sadness, and confusion that comes from not knowing who you are. She hopes to inspire people to find answers and to show them that nobody is perfect. There is no one way to fight, to live, to breathe. We are all unique, and together we can find better ways of making it to tomorrow.

About these photos: “I created this series for my two best friends the summer I nearly lost them. You see, my friends like me suffer from depression and their own unique blend of what I lovingly call darkness. Darkness is a term I use when talking about mental illness. Millions of humans suffer and struggle with their own darkness. Sometimes I can’t help but wonder if living with darkness is just part of being human. 

I created this series as a reminder to those I love, and others like me & my two best friends who have found ourselves at the bottom of endless free fall no longer able to find our way back to the surface and faced with a choice to live or let the darkness win that there is always hope. It is also a reminder to the ones who love us that as much as they want to save us the truth is only we have the power to climb our way out. No one can do that for us, it’s up to us to find that spark within that reason to keep going. 

It only takes a single spark of light to banish the darkness.” 

Find more from Yanninia at her website and Instagram.

Find more from Broken Light Collective on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter

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