
Welcome! The Broken Light Collective is seeking a range of works from photographers, artists, and writers who have either experienced, or had people close to them experience, mental health challenges. See About Us for more details on who we are.

All styles of photography, and all levels of creatives are welcome, from amateur phoneographers to professional photographers and artists.

*Please be aware that we post sporadically and are not able to respond to all submissions.


Please e-mail your photo(s) to with the following information:

  • Your name and pronouns as you would like them to appear (can be anonymous or a pseudonym).

  • Brief bio including your connection to mental health challenges, written in 3rd person (she/he/they). Details such as location and age are welcome but not needed.

  • An “about this photo” blurb for each photo or series, written in 1st person (“I”).

  • Any website or social media links if you would like them linked.

Bios and blurbs should be several lines to a paragraph. The photo blurbs can be about the experience of taking the photo, where you were, what it makes you think of or feel. It can be about difficult times, or it can be inspirational. Whatever the piece means to you. Technical info welcome as well, but not necessary.

**Please note, we do not publish images that are overtly violent in nature or can be triggering, including many images of scars, weapons, or potential weapons. When in doubt, feel free to ask.

By submitting photos, you are giving Broken Light Collective permission to post your images and/or likeness on this web site, Facebook, Twitter, and other media, and to have said images considered for future Broken Light projects. You will be contacted for permission before any additional usage occurs. Photographers retain rights for any images submitted or published. If you are under the age of 18, you are submitting with parental consent.

Please contact us with any questions.

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