Some Days

Photo taken by contributor Jim, a man from Texas who has struggled with depression for much of his life.

About this photo: Some days it is my photography and my sweet dog that keep me on track and pull me up and out.

My totally deaf rescue dog Grace is such a good friend. She knows how to pick me up when I am down. Every morning she greets me like she has never seen me before. Every day is a new day for her and she is teaching me to look at life as such. When I say she is a rescue dog I am not sure which of us was rescued!

I have had some digestive track disorders that were racking havoc on my body. I was diagnosed with microscopic colitis. A nasty little bug, but the steroids they put me on seem to be doing the trick. Hell, they should cure most anything at $1300.00 for a one month dosage. Luckily I only have to take them for two months.

One other setback has been that one of my meds that were a part of the perfect cocktail to keep me out of my ever too close pit was deemed as a contributor to my internal disorders. So, I am trying to work more on my meditation and a mindful approach to my walk.

So far I am holding my own, but do feel I am on a balance beam with darkness on either side.

Find more from Jim at his blog.


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4 replies to “Some Days

  1. Beautiful lighting and such an emotionally compelling composition. I like that your face is not visible, similar to your struggle, but your companion looks up to you- you are on this journey together. The lighting suggests the day is drawing to a close- but you have so much further to travel. Where have you been? The past is shrouded in fog.


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