Dark and Light

Photo taken by contributor Samantha Pugsley, a 25-year-old conceptual fine art photographer from Charlotte, North Carolina. She first picked up a camera during her junior year of college. This was right around the time when she was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Things that were once easy became impossible for her. Getting dressed in the morning, shopping at the grocery story, driving her car…just living, was a panic attack waiting to happen. Photography helped her heal. With her camera she could start a conversation about what was going on in her head. She could say things with her images that she didn’t know how to say out loud. She still struggles with anxiety but making art helps her talk about it and manage it. She started a 365 photography project to ensure that she’d be doing what brings her joy every single day. She has noticed that her anxiety level is much lower if she spends time with her camera every day.

About this photo: “There are rare occasions when I don’t shoot a self portrait. For this, I needed to step outside of myself to convey the message. I wanted to show the beauty in contrasts and differences. Contrast them as you will – death and life, dark and light, struggle and healing, two sides of the same person. I truly believe there’s a story here for everyone just as I believe everyone has their own story that’s worth telling.”

Find more from Samantha at her website or flickr.


**Visit Broken Light’s main gallery here. Currently accepting submissions.

*Facebook & Twitter @BrokenLighCo & @DanielleHark. Follow for e-mail notifications.

11 replies to “Dark and Light

  1. This is fantastic work. Danielle, just have to say I love your blog. I have been introduced to quite a few fantastic photographers and I have become friends with two of them. The artist’s work that you continue to display really inspire creativity. I hope you continue bringing light to these talented artists that I otherwise may not have come across. 🙂


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