Forever One

Photo taken by contributor Luis Rosado, a man from Staten Island, NY who has been suffering from anxiety and depression for over 30 years. After struggling with an alcohol problem for over two decade, Luis is celebrating over four years of sobriety. Photography has always been a wonderful outlet for him to capture and hold on to the brighter moments in his life.

About this photo: “This one is a collaborative effort between myself and my wife Mary. I don’t think I would be where I am today if not for her love, patience and understanding. She has shown me the beautiful universe inside of myself. In my active drug and alcohol days I would spend time alone, indoors and horribly depressed. Now I am enjoying being outside and a part of the world around me. This photo is a testament to that.” 


**Visit Broken Light’s main gallery here. Currently accepting submissions.

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8 replies to “Forever One

  1. Reblogged this on Beck's yoga life and commented:
    I think this image really beautiful, and the story inspiring – I especially love that it was produced collaboratively. This image has been popping into my head since I viewed it, so I wanted to share it with you too. This is a great blog that showcases photography by people experiencing mental illness. There are some beautiful images on here showing the therapeutic power of creativity and how images can communicate in ways that we can’t always in words.


  2. Glad to hear that you are enjoying life outdoors again. I was once a prisoner to my home for different reasons. What a blessing to be free again!


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