Looking Ahead

Photo taken by contributor Rachael Talibart, a photographer based in Surrey, England. She has always enjoyed photography, but when she started to suffer chronic pain it became more than a hobby/occupation. Taking photographs became a way for her to cope with her pain. She used it as a mindfulness tool, a way of focusing on the now, and on things outside of herself instead of pain or other troubles. When she is taking a picture, she is thinking only of what she is seeing and making. This allows her to notice things that she might otherwise have missed, and those things not only distract from pain but lead to other things, and so the creativity snowballs. When she is not making images, she is a student of literature, and has just completed her MA.

About this photo: “I love Jersey in the British Channel Islands.  It’s only a small island but full of variety.  In this trip, in October 2012, we had heavy fog almost the whole week, but that enabled me to capture some atmospheric images in locations I do not usually visit when the light is good.  I like the way the empty bench invites us to imagine, and wonder where this path will lead.

Find more from Rachael at her website or her blog.


**Visit Broken Light’s main gallery here. Currently accepting submissions.

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15 replies to “Looking Ahead

  1. I have no words to describe how beautiful this capture is….. I now think that the natural scene may not be that beautiful, It is captured more beautifully. AMAZING !! Awestruck by the beauty…By the perfection.


  2. Best of luck to Rachael, and especially to you at Broken Light. You do a wonderful service and I know it’s a lot of work – it is very much appreciated! Best New Year to you all!


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