The Edge of Darkness

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Photos taken by contributor Danielle, a woman with depression and generalized and social anxiety disorders.

About these photos: “I suffer from severe depression, and when I feel at the edge of darkness, there are times when I want to be swept out to sea or sink to the bottom, while other times being out in nature helps me to find a little balance. I love the sights, the smells, the sounds. I also enjoy taking pictures and being part of a community like Broken Light with other people who are in similar places.


**Visit Broken Light’s main gallery here. Currently accepting submissions.

*On Facebook & Twitter @BrokenLightCo & @DanielleHark. Follow for e-mail notifications

9 replies to “The Edge of Darkness

  1. Reblogged this on katcares4u and commented:
    I can so relate to this. I have said something like this before. It is true nature really can bring you outside of the darkness you just can’t allow the darkness to claim you.


  2. These photos are beautiful and I feel like I can relate to you. Sometimes I fall so low I wonder if I will ever get up, and then something I just can’t believe happens and suddenly I feel like I’m going to be alright. I go back and forth on this and I’m still looking for a good balance, but I know I’m on my way and I’m making progress.
    Great pics!


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