Leap, And The Net Will Appear

Photo taken by contributor Jim, a man from the SouthWest of Texas who has struggled with depression for much of his life.

About this photo: “Leap, and the net will appear

…said American naturalist and essayist John Burroughs.

Too often, we hold ourselves back, so whenever anyone takes a leap, I feel energized. Of course, one person’s big leap is another’s small. But that’s the beauty of leaps; they’re personal and meaningful only to the leaper.

People can encourage you to leap but the leap comes from you only when you’re ready to leap. Notice I didn’t say “want to.” Most of us want to leap, but often we’re not ready till we just can’t stand it anymore.

You have to beware the naysayers, those who want to hold you back or infuse doubt into your plan. Prudence is all well and good, but warnings usually come from a place of fear or envy, cloaked as wisdom.

The reason the net will appear?

Because you bothered to take the leap. In other words, there’s always a positive outcome from any change. It’s a law of the universe. That’s why waiting till there’s a net before you leap is unnecessary…..Jane Pellicciotto

….or you could just blow the day off & watch Steve Martin in the movie of the same name.


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15 replies to “Leap, And The Net Will Appear

  1. From someone who is planning on taking a huge leap (career change) at the end of this year… Thanks for writing. I’m going to do it-ready or not, so buckle up, baby!


  2. It’s far to early for tears, and with only one coffee in me. Thank you so much for your message. I lay awake at night and think of all the wonderful things I’m going to do the following morning. Morning comes and I lose it all. Your message has touched me and today I will try harder to leap. Thank you, and wishes for all the best.


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