Forget Your Worries

Photo taken by contributor Elise, a 19-year-old girl who is passionate about travel and helping people. She loves seeing new places and experiencing all the things a new country or culture has to offer. She believes that through helping other people through their difficulties you can learn so much about them and about yourself. She’s been very fortunate to be able to spend five months in Sucre, Bolivia working at different orphanages. Working there she witnessed how difficult some people have it, and she realized that even by doing little things you can make a huge difference in the lives of people who really need it.

About this photo: “We keep comparing ourselves to each other. I look at people around me and see how they are better than me and I strive to be that way. This photo captures that sometimes you should just forget looking around you and focus on yourself and becoming a better version of yourself.”


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One reply to “Forget Your Worries

  1. “This photo captures that sometimes you should just forget looking around you and focus on yourself and becoming a better version of yourself.”
    You hit the nail right on the head. Awesome use of slow shutter speed (long exposure). Did you ask the women for permission, or was the shot candid?


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