

Photo taken by contributor Liz Gilbert, a 29-year-old aspiring photographer who was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder at the age of 15. She takes photos as a form of therapy. Liz struggled with self harm until the age of 20, which was the same time she got into a hobby of collecting dolls. She graduated college recently and is searching for internships. Her current goal is to get her driver’s license; something that was denied when she was younger because of her illness. Every day holds little battles for Liz, but she has decided to not let the stigma of mental illness define her and pursues her dreams at a healthy pace.

About this photo: “This is most likely one of my favorite photos I have ever taken. It’s in most of my portfolios as a double page spread. It’s a different experience for each viewer but more often than not, it starts a conversation. Usually, the first observation is that the subject is a doll, not human, followed by clarifying that this is indeed a girl doll.  It means so much to me that one photo can start a dialogue. Whether it be about gender roles and androgyny, or the choice of having the subject be semi out of focus, talking about my artwork brings me joy.

Find more from Liz at her website.


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4 replies to “Lazy

  1. “…the subject is a doll, not human..” – True! Got that impression outright. Nevertheless, there is something in the picture, probably the light or your angling that makes it look real, or makes one ask – if it is actually a doll or not. Like the lighting!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is amazing, Liz. This doll takes on human elements. I can see emotion, feeling, introspection. It is a very unique way to express your internal landscape. You are very talented and i am happy to hear you are pursuing your dreams. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Inspirational!

    Liked by 1 person

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