

Photo taken by contributor Carrie Hilgert, a photographer, painter, and healer from Northeast Kansas. Carrie is on an evolving journey. In her past, she was affected by chronic physical and mental illnesses, including depression. Photography, especially self-portraiture, was a tool that helped her throughout those challenging times, and allowed her to process her dark feelings. Carrie believes that her experiences with mental illness were a catalyst for her to discover her creative and spiritual gifts. She is now on a positive journey of wonder and change, using those gifts to help others.

About this photo: “the new (used) camera body came a day early. I’ve only taken a few shots but everything seems to be working. I’ll know more after spending more time with her. We had a good talk and I felt a stirring in my heart.”

Find more from Carrie at her website


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2 replies to “Stirring

  1. My used but new to me camera came last June. I, too, attach gender to objects. My generously donated Nikon is a boy and is named Old Faithful, after something the original owner said about its performance. Do you feel like it is a new relationship? You have to get used to where everything is and how it/she feels in your hands? Thanks for sharing.


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