The Haunted Mind

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Photography by first-time contributor Ashley Whitt, a 29-year-old fine art photographer whose work deals with themes of duality within the self, psychological states, and mortality. After losing her mother to cancer in 2008, Ashley turned to art making as a way to process the anxiety and depression that overtook her life. She uses a variety of photographic techniques including dass transfers, digital manipulation in Photoshop, sculptural bookmaking, and traditional darkroom processes. Ashley is a Texas native and currently resides in Dallas. Ashley graduated from Texas Woman’s University where she earned her MFA in Photography in 2012. She graduated from UT Arlington with a BFA in Photography in 2009. Her work has been shown locally, nationally, and internationally including Texas, Vermont, California, China, and India.

About this photo: “The Haunted Mind is a body of work that addresses themes of duality, anxiety, and mortality. When my mother passed away five years ago, I became consumed by depression and anxiety. These images are visual representations of the fears and anxieties that exist within myself. Multiple figures inhabit the frame to depict internal conflicts and the duality that exists within the self. Inspiration for the series comes from literature, film noir, nightmares, and an obsession with death. The images are primarily created in wooded areas and isolated landscapes in order to visually depict the unconscious mind.”

Find more from Ashley at her website.


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6 replies to “The Haunted Mind

  1. Eerie, enchanting and emotively compelling. I love the way you visually articulate all of the complex layers involved in duality, anxiety, depression, mortality and mental illness; as a whole. A STUNNING body of work, Ashley!


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