No Pot of Gold

Photo by contributor Kyle Anderson, a man from Saskatchewan, Canada. Kyle is a 41-year-old health care professional who has battled depression and addiction for most of his life. He escapes by letting the camera become his mind’s eye, and hopes that each photo he takes allows others to see the world as he sees it, even for a split second.

About this photo: “No pot of gold… I found the end of the rainbow. Damn leprechauns were lying.”


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9 replies to “No Pot of Gold

  1. actually I was between two storms and was able to chase the same rainbow for than an hour.. at one point the light refracted it as a full circle through the water on the ground and up into the sky with me, in the center, at its base,, unfortunately the camera couldn’t see what my eyes could.. it truly was profound experience about as close to ‘divine’ as my mind can comprehend… we are the pot of gold.. and the rainbow has no end

    Liked by 1 person

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