Surreal Bodyscape

Photo taken by contributor Brandon who has suffered from depression and severe anxiety for as long as he can remember. He is also a self-harm survivor. His anxiety hit its peak when he was in 11th grade. He was at school and ended up fainting on the steps. After that, he was put on anti-depressants. He can’t say they fully helped the depression, but at least they stopped the fainting.

About this photo: “Delicacy is the first image of a new series I’m working on combining the nude body and surreal/abstract landscapes. I chose a 1×1 aspect ratio because I want the focus to be on the vulnerability of the human body and the beauty that comes with it.”


**Visit Broken Light’s main gallery here. Currently accepting submissions.

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9 replies to “Surreal Bodyscape

  1. Excellent surrealism….I identify with several of your photographs; one as a young boy frightened by nightmares; the second was for photographic purposes in regards to experiencing a light in the darkness….loved both shots!!! Thank you for sharing. Can’t wait to see more.


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