Nature’s Beauty

Photo taken by contributor Leya, a single mother working in the mental health field. She has a child with multiple barriers, including severe anxiety, and grew up in a highly anxious household herself with a family that experienced significant historical trauma. Leya believes that the key to our collective functioning is finding ways to calm our overactive minds, and for her that is walks in nature, photography, poetry, painting, cooking, dance and yoga. She primarily deals with nature and historic sites for her subject matter, and only sites that grab her and convey a story or emotion or sheer beauty. She challenges herself to capture those moments and convey the same sensation to her audience, and hopefully heighten that experience through artistic expression.

About this photo: “I love strolling in gardens and taking pictures of nature’s beautiful creations.”

Find more from Leya at her blog.


**Visit Broken Light’s main gallery here. Currently accepting submissions.

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2 replies to “Nature’s Beauty

  1. This is really superb. I love the vibrance you added to cause the flowers to look like they’re glowing and bright. It looks magical.

    Good work!


  2. I too love the photo. I visited Holualoa in fall of 2013 and found it beautiful despite suffering from terrible bipolar depression.Thank you for sharing. Mahalo!


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