
Photo taken by contributor Jim, a man from the SouthWest of Texas who has struggled with depression for much of his life.

About this photo: “I have been stuck back in my pit and am slowly crawling back out. Doc has been changing my meds around and the only thing good about that has been discovering Xanax. It is the only drug I have ever taken that brings me back real quick to a feeling of ‘normal.’ Whatever the heck normal is. For me, it is being able to deal with crossing the road to the other side.

So why did the dog cross the road ? Best answer I could find was he was a Robert Frost trained dog and just had to travel the road less traveled. (insert laughter)

We were passing through the the struggling metropolis of Sierra Blanca, Tx (pop 500+or-) when we encountered this dog in the middle of a crosswalk. I swear it was one of those encounters you have at a four way stop sign where the two of you keep signaling ‘no, you go.’ He politely stopped half way across the street as if he could see that I had my right turn signal a blinking. We both shared a ‘deer in the headlight’ moment then he made an illegal u turn and went back the way he came.

When you come to a fork in the road, take it and save it. Eventually you will have a complete place-setting, even if the patterns don’t match.”


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