Trying to Keep Balanced

Photo taken by a 30+ year old woman in the US who suffers from a mood disorder. She enjoys traveling and all things creative, but often has trouble even leaving the house due to crippling depression.

About this photo: “Watching this young girl keep her balance despite the tough terrain was not just cute, but also inspirational in a way to those of us struggling with depression or other tough terrains in our everyday lives and are fighting just to keep balanced.”


**Visit Broken Light’s main gallery here. Currently accepting submissions.

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11 replies to “Trying to Keep Balanced

  1. Great shot on the rocks there, I am interested in what you said about Photographers with a mental illness – one photograph at a time etc. I have PTSD and find that my camera is my friend and with my camera I can go places and do things that I can’t with out my camera. Any way not sure what the submission is but I would love to join in.


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