Finding Joy in Nepal

Photo taken by Thirdeyemom, a survivor of a terrifying, isolating year of postpartum depression that caused her everything from severe insomnia, to anxiety and worry, to hallucinations. She used travel, writing, and photography, in addition to professional help and supportive family, to fight her way out of the darkness. See more of her inspiring story here.

About this photo: The boats of Pokhara, Nepal were so delightfully colorful that I could hardly stand it. Bright colors truly symbolize joy and I could have stared at these beautiful boats all day long. In the background, the mighty Himalayas stretch toward the sky and remind you of how small you are, yet inspire all the same.

**Accepting photo submissions for the Broken Light Collective. See guidelines here.

12 replies to “Finding Joy in Nepal

  1. I see this photo and wonder, “where are all the people?” Do they have siesta time in Nepal? Maybe everybody is napping.


  2. There are so many places where you find the natural color of nature in Nepal. Every moment you spent with nature remains a clip in your memory forever. thirdeye do pls post some more pic.


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