Love of Night

Photo taken by contributor Craig A. Miller, an author, speaker, photographer, and suicide attempt survivor from Boston. For many years he struggled with OCD, extreme anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. After a suicide attempt nearly ended his life at age 20, he became dedicated to understanding what led him to such a decision, and more importantly how he could gain control of himself and his life to ensure it would never happen again. He published a book in 2012 titled, This is How it Feels: a memoir of attempting suicide and finding life. He is a member of The Massachusetts Coalition for Suicide Prevention and regularly speaks everywhere from libraries to state conferences sharing his story and the steps he took to move forward.

About this photo:

“There’s a veil before me that blinds my sight
It keeps me in the dark but it’s my design
There’s a spark within me that lights my way
Like a dream of a memory soft and faint

And there’s something about it when I look at the sky
it seems so far away through these seeking eyes
But when I close my eyes and I look within
I see so much more than I ever did

If there’s a piece of you inside my soul
then let me know myself so I can know you more

Find more from Craig at his website


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