
Photo taken by contributor Cla-c, a 45-year-old wife and mother of four who was diagnosed with Cyclothymia a year ago. She has battled severe depression, paranoia, and fearfulness throughout her life, and has always felt like an outcast. After she lost a much loved cousin to suicide, she knew she had to face her demons. Growing up in Africa in the 70’s and 80’s, going to a therapist was not part of the culture. Instead of dealing with her feelings and shame related to childhood trauma, she merely existed. She never felt like she had a voice, something that she struggles with even today. Her sensitivity has at times led her to isolate, which is especially challenging as a portrait photographer. She has come to both fear and love people at the same time. Today, she has a small but amazing support system. She dreams of having a cabin in the woods with the butterflies.

About this photo:

“I drowned
I remember the day I drowned,
I died that day 
I was 11 when I died ,
all that remains is my shell…”


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8 replies to “Drowning

  1. Cla-c, I love this photograph. Would it be ok to use it as a visual for a fiction piece on my blog? Please see listentothebabe.com. I’ve collaborated with other photographers and artists. I always credit visuals I use. Cheers!


  2. Awesome photograph. I remember when the innocent child inside me died, but wait on Jesus and he will revive your spirit and soul. Believe in Him and He will guide you through this mess called life.


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