Port In A Storm

Photo taken by contributor Jim, a man from Texas who has struggled with depression for much of his life.

About this photo: “We all face storms. Sometimes we must wait them out in not the best of accommodations. But we wait them out. We must, knowing that the skies will clear and that bluer skies can lead to an end to the internal blues.

Find more from Jim at his blog.


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11 replies to “Port In A Storm

    1. Tree, what a great name, I have always wished for a different name. Recently I went from Jim to James. I used to hate that name as my mom only yelled that name right before the back of her hand cracked my lip. I digress, thanx for the kind words. I needed them this am…….en theos…..jas L


      1. My real name is Teresa….it doesn’t fit me at all. Fortunately I was nicknamed Tree around the age of 11….it fits me. I even use it professionally!
        I like james and Jim….maybe you can create a new name to fit who u think you are!!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Paula……I would love to tell you that I was dodging lightning like bullets in a firefight, but alas I am not that brave. While the approaching storm and black clouds were real, I added the lightning via photoshop in the safety of the motel ( & it was not the one in the photo) I was staying in at the time……..had to lay that out there as I have lived under the story of false truths most of my life….en theos…..jas L


  1. Love the composition- the vibrant yellow and red set against the darkness of the looming cloudscape, with that flash – harsh, jagged lines- rips through the canvas of clouds – a reminder that it has to get worse to get better. The decay and rawness of the dilapidated motel offers a compelling narrative as one seeks shelter from the storm- but must keep searching.


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