
Photo taken by contributor Liz Gilbert, a 28-year-old graphic artist who lives with schizoaffective disorder. Liz has made it a priority in her life to not be stigmatized by her disease. Being diagnosed at an early age, Liz has learned ways to deal with the challenges of living with schizoaffective disorder. She knows the hallucinations will pass and she is not powerless to them. She has not attempted suicide in many years, even though every day is a constant battle. Liz is not ashamed to talk about her past and has a desire to help others dealing with similar problems.

About this photo: “I wanted to created a life-like feeling with this doll. A sense of melancholy paired with a children’s toy from the 1970’s. Every day is a struggle, whether we show it or not.

Find more from Liz at her website.


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