Old and New

Photo taken by first-time contributor Michelle who has battled Recurrent Major Depression for the past few years. For a long time she was struggling and didn’t know what was wrong with her, but eventually she was diagnosed, surprisingly by her gynecologist. Michelle writes, blogs and does photography as therapy. She has found that doing these things is self-settling and helps her manage depression much better.

About this photo: “This picture with a plant growing in it’s view was taken far from home. It represents the old and the new to me…how the old will always be there as in emotions and so on, but there, in the toughest of terrains, new fresh growth can be found – We can find this in ourselves too, even though some are heavily burdened with depression or other forms of mental illness, we are capable of developing new fresh light in our lives, getting there is not always easy, but it is possible.”


**Visit Broken Light’s main gallery here. Currently accepting submissions.

*On Facebook & Twitter @BrokenLightCo & @DanielleHark. Follow for e-mail

35 replies to “Old and New

  1. I love your picture and what you said about it. I have depression and my doctor just said yesterday that I also am bipolar. The grey stone in your picture reminds me of the depression and the hole is looking past the problems to the good green growth beyond. Your picture reminds me to look past the health problems to the positive things. I am not just my problems, I also have good things and I should focus on them.


  2. This is one of the most beautiful blogs I’ve ever come across. I suffer from anxiety and I understand how crippling it can be. It’s great that you’re putting the word out there in an unusual yet memorable way.


  3. Love your blog Hope and knowing you and reading your lovely blog helps me get through a lot most days because I know I am not alone. Thanks for being such a wonderful person and friend hon. 😀 *big hugs*


  4. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. Your rod and your staff they comfort me.” (Psalm 23)

    Be blessed,


  5. Beautiful composition. The pale colours & setting are reminiscent of a faerie tale illustration. The figure outlined in the stone edge takes this image to another level. It comes together in Jungian imagery – stone, sky & green organic growth in the shape of the feminine. Subtle and powerful at the same time. Very effective & thought provoking. 🙂


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