Welcoming Fall

Photo taken by Tiger Lillies, a 48-year-old woman located in Ontario who suffers from deep depression, psychosis, and agoraphobia, all while raising her 2 young grandchildren, 4 and 6 years old. Thankfully she has a supportive partner Rick who helps make daily life with children possible. Her grandchildren, as well as her recent love of photography, have become her saviours and kept her from succumbing to the negative temptations that regularly haunt her. She has tried to commit suicide several times in the past, but thankfully is still with us. Her hopes are to get past her illness, as well as glaucoma, and become a professional photographer.

About this photo: “This is a picture of my little ones hand taken 2 years ago. We were sitting out back in the late fall, and she came over to me with the leaf in her hand just like this. Like most of you, my camera is always with me, and snap, took the picture. Then in editing changed it to selective colouring. Just love the picture and the memory.” 


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