Evening Pine

Photo taken by contributor Captivating Bitter, a woman in her thirties who has struggled with anxiety and depression for most of her life. She has survived emotional abuse, sexual abuse and rape. She has survived suicide attempts and years of self-harm. After wandering her way through life unable to trust and barely feeling alive, she is now fighting to live a healthy life. She has been reading, journaling, blogging and working hard to heal. She is finally taking care of herself and starting to feel better.

About this photo: “I took this photo at Phinizy Swamp Park near Augusta, GA. I had completed my hike and was getting into my car when this sap glowing with the setting sun-light caught my eye and I just had to capture it. Whenever I am hiking in the woods I catch myself running my hands along the rough bark of the trees around me. Growing up in the tumultuous home I grew up in made the forest my safe place. I would sneak out of the house when I was in my early – mid teens on full-moon nights and walk bare-foot in the woods near our home and just commune. That time alone by moonlight will always be sacred to me. It makes me sad, now, to know that the woods at night were a safer place for me than my own bed.”

Find more from Captivating Bitter at her blog.


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