Beauty in Brokenness

Please say a warm hello to first-time contributor Captivating Bitter, a woman in her thirties who has struggled with anxiety and depression for most of her life. She has survived emotional abuse, sexual abuse and rape. She has survived suicide attempts and years of self-harm. After wandering her way through life unable to trust and barely feeling alive, she is now fighting to live a healthy life. She has been reading, journaling, blogging and working hard to heal. She is finally taking care of herself and starting to feel better.

About this photo: “I took this photo at the butterfly exhibit at Gainesville’s Natural History Museum.    This is a Blue Morpho… they start out all brown and turn this beautiful blue once they reach maturity.  This particular Morpho is near the end of its life and his wings are tattered and broken… the beauty in his brokenness really speaks to me.  I’ve felt so broken for most of my life.

Find more from Captivating Bitter at her blog.


**Visit Broken Light’s main gallery here. Currently accepting submissions.

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13 replies to “Beauty in Brokenness

  1. I often find beauty in death and broken-ness as you have here, too. Folks think it’s morbid but they don’t understand how cathartic and life-affirming it really is.
    This is a beautiful image.
    I wish you continued healing and much more beauty in life….

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on Let There be Peace on Earth and commented:
    What I enjoy about this blog is the collection of photographs from people working towards a goal by creative means… These are people suffering from many forms of emotional issues and I am so very glad to hear creativity is used to help them heal…

    So many troubled souls…
    Disheartening at times…
    Sadness in the world…
    There’s a better way for those who search…
    Working towards their well being in such a creative way…
    I wish for all those troubled souls…
    To be at peace within…
    Love and purpose in their way…


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