Smiling Sunflower

Photo taken by Bipolar On Fire, a woman in her 40’s who lives and works in Boulder, Colorado. She has Bipolar Disorder and Depression, as well as Fibromyalgia. It is a great struggle for her to work full-time and has been for a while. She works as a System Administrator, but will hopefully be leaving the corporate world soon and supporting herself through her art. She passionately loves photography, writing, and music, and her many other creative artistic endeavours (sewing, decoupage, jewelry making, batik, screenprinting, and singing). Her aim in life is to create beauty and bring joy to the lives of others through her creations and words.

About this photo: “I live next door to a community garden and one gardener had a bumper crop of sunflowers last year.  They were relentlessly cheerful, like a great big toothy smile.  Every day, I woke up and thanked the sunflowers.  Today in the middle of winter, I can time-travel back and say hello by looking at this handsome fellow.”


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