Cross of the Martyrs; Santa Fe

Photo taken by HeatherWe have close friends that have suffered with mental illness for years. It is heartbreaking because you don’t know how to help.  I have personally battled through depression and anxiety and it is no easy task.  The picture of the cross that I submitted reminds me to breathe and relax.  It is not easy to tell your mind to settle down.  Sometimes I see beautiful and peaceful things that make me take a breath and smile.

About this photo: My husband and I took a trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico in September of 2011.  I couldn’t resist taking a picture of this cross.  I love this picture because the sky was so blue, the clouds so white and fluffy, and the red brick was so radiant.  This cross is very peaceful to look at especially with the beautiful blue backdrop. I posted about our trip to Santa Fe on my blog.

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5 replies to “Cross of the Martyrs; Santa Fe

  1. Sometimes the best way to help is to just be yourselves, be there for them to come to you for a shoulder and be that same smile that speaks often more than words are able to say.


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