
Photo taken by S. I am a 27 year old woman who has struggled with depression and anxiety since I was a teenager (and truthfully I have probably been depressed longer, albeit I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 16.) However, my depression has always come and gone, but this bout feels different. In the last two years I have gone through a major back surgery and consequently have been stagnant in my personal and professional life for two and a half years. My depression has deepened to the point that I feel like I am broken, like I am a fragmented version of the person I should be, although I can’t for the life of me define who that person is.

This photo is a self-portrait I took before surgery last March. It really spoke to the fractured and dark nature of myself, but there is also a small bit of hope in the clarity of my face.

**Seeking photo submissions for the Broken Light Collective. See guidelines here.

17 replies to “Fragmented

    1. Thank you so much for your kind sentiments! I was nervous about submitting and all these wonderful comments have brought a real smile to my face.
      – S.


  1. You are not broken! You are SPECTACULAR!!!!! Only a true goddess could create such a magical, beautiful photo.

    I promise it will get better. I know it is like wearing a black 400 ound lead coat over your soul, but IT IS NOT YOU!!!! I truly truly truly understand. I have very much been there. And I am telling you right now that things are about to change.

    I am sending you tons of light and love and I know that you are going to start breaking through the clouds. Please keep me updated honey! Please. Jo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment, Jaen. It means a lot. You’re right it sucks, but it is really nice to know that others understand. Well… not nice because it is bad that anyone has to feel this way but it is comforting that you understand nonetheless. I truly hope that understanding is from 20/20 hindsight.
      I look forward to browsing your blog!
      – S.


    1. Thank you very much, Alice. I think I am going to try to think of it more as being within a mental kaleidoscope instead of being fractured. It sounds happier somehow and I am always looking for ways to positive-ify my thinking.
      I look forward to browsing your blog!
      – S.


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